Sunday, January 14, 2007


Okay, so Beth tells me that the new look isn't working on her little laptop screen - way too wide, and a giant font. Hmmm. It looks so good on my giant iMac monitor! I'll fix it today. Well, it was nice while it lasted!

....Okay, we're back to how it was. I might still fiddle a bit to stretch it a little bit, but generally I guess I'll stick with it as is until everyone out there sees the light and gets an iMac. Heh. It was a good learning experience though. I learned a lot in a little time about how the coding works and how to fiddle with it.

In the meantime, I still want a funky masthead so I'm still interested in hearing how to do that.


little b said...

I like this newest change. It's wider, but not TOOOOO wide. it's nice.

Karen said...

Thanks, I finally figured out (duh) that if I want it wider I have to choose a new template... one of the "stretch" ones. That way it fits to the size of the monitor.