Tuesday, November 11, 2008

School photo or sly spy standing in for my daughter?

Emily had her school photo taken a couple of weeks ago and brought it home on Friday. When I got home from my class that afternoon John said "Wait till you see Emily's photo. Try not to laugh in front of her."

Emily has this habit of putting on this odd stacked-teeth smile when she sits for a posed photo.

Her odd photo-smile comes naturally apparently. I worked hard on mine at the same age.

I specifically remember my mum trying to get me to smile "normally" which of course I demanded I was already doing. Similar to what Emily told me this morning when I told her we were having her photos retaken. "But the man told me to do that with my teeth!"

So, we're retaking the photos. I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that they'll turn out exactly the same. Oh well. At least she can show it to her kids one day after they come home with their first school photo looking like an incognito Maxwell Smart or a very irked librarian, continuing a long-standing family tradition.


little b said...

She does look a little dorky with that smile, but I think that's what school photos are for. Remember mine with the big glasses and too short bangs? Classic.

Sheryl said...

Everyone needs a bad school photo for their siblings to threaten them with later in life.

I have one of me sucking my thumb and another with these huge purple glasses, they're awful.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I don't quite the problem. I think she looks great! Wouldn't redo them at all. For me, the cheese is in the backdrops. Whoah.

Pam said...

Thanks for the great post! School photos are a riot and I think it is great how much Emily is like you. At least there were no tears.

Erika said...

That's hilarious! I love it (C: Especially b/c you recognize it!

Shan said...

Okay I'm kicking myself because I didn't think to scan Abby's before I sent them back to school. As for the pictures I think they're cute. I probably would have kept them.

Julie said...

Have to agree with Sheryl. Everyone needs a couple if bad school pictures for future torture. Next time your over you'll have to see mine, which Mom gave to be in a lovely little album last Thanksmas!

Anonymous said...

I don't see the problem either. They look cute.