Saturday, May 27, 2006

The sun is shining, the girl is napping

Life is good. Except that I miss John. This would be a perfect moment for him and I to have lunch out on the patio, read the paper and chat. Instead, I'm going to finish my entry, make corn muffins, finish the soup for supper, and hopefully, make some freezer jam with the overripe strawberries I just bought. I've never made freezer jam before but I figure it can't be that difficult.

This morning Emily and I had breakfast out - Ottawa Bagel - one of Emily's favourites. She'll routinely eat an entire bagel and did today. Then to my chiro appointment, then to Parkdale Park - new play structure and Emily was totally into it. Especially the extra high swings. Then right next door to do some shopping at the Parkdale Market (and thus the overripe strawberries). Then back to the park so Emily could snarf down a bunch of strawberries. Then, home. Whew.

John called and Emily was beside herself when she heard his voice come out of the phone. It was great. Of course, trying to get her to let me talk on the phone after that was challenging. There was some squealing.

One thing I'm finding, being on my own, is that I feel a deep need for adult company (I don't count work - I'm talking friends). Someone else that can keep an extra eye on Emily. Preferrably someone with a kid in tow so Emily has a natural amusement. I'm potentially going to seek this out for after her nap.

Time for some cookin'!

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