Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Update from Dawn

In Dawn's words: "Emily is an absolute treasure today." I asked her if she was being sarcastic. She said that she was serious. I'm so happy! This could have gone so badly. A kid at this age - really, it can go either way with a big switch like this. She could have had a terribly sad day today which could mean it would be really hard at the drop-off tomorrow but apparently she is, generally, as happy as she could be. There were a few tears about 30 minutes after I left and she was calling for me but Dawn got her through it. Emily was really excited about going to the park and asked that the other Emily sit with her in the wagon and even moved over so the 3-year old could try to squish in. Of course, she filled her diaper at the park... but that's our Emily. I'm sure she entertained everyone in the area with announcements such as "tu pu" and "caca" and sudden hand-waving in front of her nose.

She ate lunch well (not the meat of course) and drank lots of milk. Who is this kid?

I'm going to try to pick her up at 4:30 today so we have more time together tonight.

I'm so glad that she's having a good time. So far it seems like I made the right choice in choosing Dawn's.

1 comment:

little b said...

woohoo! That's fantastic news.

Do we have a new vegetarian in the family?