Sunday, June 04, 2006

Too much to do to blog

John got back late Wednesday night and before then as well as after, I have been too busy or too tired to post anything. Pathetic! So, just before I go for a lay down, I'll give an update.

John got back at about midnight on Wednesday. I was still awake working (crazy work week - 9 briefing books over two days - unheard of!). By 1:00 we were both ready to go to bed, but Emily was ready to get up. And was up for the next 2 1/2 hours. Needless to say, the next day was rough. Especially since I worked until 10:00 pm that next day. Ick!

So, by Friday I was totally baked but John was back, Emily was thrilled to see him, and all was well.

We've had a great weekend - took Emily to the Science and Tech museum yesterday. I didn't think she'd find anything she liked, but there are so many buttons to push, and lights, and big trains, and cars, and phones etc etc etc that she had a ball.

Today, we went to the park, met Pam, Jim and Nevan there, and then lunch out at Ottawa Bagel. Now, Emily sleeps.

Things Emily is saying/doing right now that I don't want to forget:

  • saying "too tight" to anything that she wears
  • "More dam" meaning "more jam," a new favourite food
  • "Daddy coming?" when she wants John to join us for something
  • the other day as I was getting ready to take her to daycare, she was standing in the driveway while I put our things in the car and she said to me: "Emily coming?"
  • "Emily funny."
  • "Bye-bye de l'eau" when we let the water out of the bathtub
  • This morning in the car she strung this one together: "Bye bye elbow soon Emily". Huh?
  • "Big big brella" about the umbrella on the patio
  • She refers to the hair detangler and comb as "ouch"
  • She LOVES horseplay
  • She has a total swing addiction, as well as a bubble addiction
  • Everytime we get close to the plaza where the shawarma place is she starts desperately chanting "Sa-ma", with emphasis on the second syllable.
  • She says "Daddy bye bye" when she wants him to leave (this really only applies at bath time when she prefers that I do it over him)
  • She loves to stand in the rain
  • She absolutely loves to hug and kiss other kids. I think this is an example of her huge capacity for love and I absolutely adore that about her.
  • This morning she needed some time outs after she keps throwing things on the floor and refusing to pick them up (food actually). The second time, after refusing to pick the banana up she looked at me and said "uh-stairs?"
  • Addiction to any songs in the car, but especially "Wheels on the Bus" (she asks for this by saying "encore bus!"), "Itsy Bitsy Spider," "Ring around the rosy," and "LMNOP" which for her is the alphabet song.

She's just amazing right now. I love every single moment of every single day with her. I now understand what parents talk about when they say, and believe, that their children are to them the most beautiful thing they've ever encountered. In my world, I really believe that about Emily. She's beautiful in every way. Not just to look at, but to listen to, to spend time with, to laugh and play with, to watch.

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