There are certain things you have to get used to when your child is in a home daycare. The main one is that the care provider probably does a number of things differently than you would. For me, with Emily at Dawn's house, this is T.V. Emily doesn't watch T.V. (or never used to) at our house but since she has been at Dawn's she has been introduced to two programs that they watch every day: Dora (ick) and Blue's Clues (tolerable). Emily has developed an addiction to Blue's Clues. She seems to have figured out that we don't watch it at home but it hasn't stopped her from talking about it or asking for it. A lot.
John has been working hard to get Emily to say please and merci (easier than thank-you). She's starting to do so without being prompted but still needs reminding sometimes. This morning we were all in the car driving to Dawn's. Emily was starting her typical "I'm bored" routine - high pitched squeals, asking for things we can't provide, and of course begging for us to sing Wheels on the Bus. Finally, she decided she wanted her little Pooh Bear book which was just out of her reach. John handed it to her and said: What do you say, Emily? She responded "Blue's Clues!"
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