Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Three words I've been waiting to hear

I'm sure every parent is like me and waits impatiently for their child to, without prompting, say: I love you. I tell Emily I love her all the time, not because I need to hear it back, although it would be kind of nice to hear her say that spontaneously. For now, her kisses, hugs, Mummies, grabbing my hand, touching my cheeks, etc say it all. Still.... like I said, it would be nice.

This morning we were snuggling in the rocking chair just after she woke up. She walked over to get a pull-up as we were going to be leaving shortly for playgroup (otherwise it is "big girl" underwear all the way). She chose a Dora and Boots pull-up. She climbed back in my lap. I told her that I loved her.

She said: "I love Dora. I love Boots."

Oh. God. The apocolypse has arrived.

1 comment:

bennettjp said...

Yup, the world belongs to Dora....feeling tremendously guilty for enabling Emily via the DVD. But maybe it is all part of Dora's attempt to take over....child by precious child....
