Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Emily is somewhat fascinated with the male anatomy. It could just be that when she (often) talks about penises, we respond by laughing - not due to the subject matter necessarily, but her pronunciation and anunciation of the word. So, it often goes like this: "Hi Daddy. Daddy penis. Penis. Daddy peeeenissssssss. Hahahahaha."

Sometimes, instead of a bath, Emily will take a shower with John. John tells me that she is overly fascinated lately with his penis. She even sometimes makes a grab for it. He's quick though so no injuries so far.

Other important information before we get into the story is that lately Emily "loves" everything. Emily loves Dora. Emily loves pasta. Emily loves car. Emily loves milk. You get the picture.

I was putting Hope to bed tonight when I overheard this conversation, post-shower, between Emily and John in the bathroom:

Emily: "Daddy penis."
John: "Yes."
Emily: "Emily loves penis."
John: silence.
John: "I honestly don't know how to respond to that."


bennettjp said...

Okay, I think John's non-answer was priceless....can't say the p fix has consumed G of late. I think you need to tape the next shower convo, for posterity.


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

John is a very smart man.

little b said...

I don't know how to respond to that either.

I read this post out loud to some friends who were visiting, and they couldn't understand a thing I was saying because I was crying due to laughing so hard.