Wednesday, January 31, 2007

She's a-rollin'

Hope rolled over yesterday. I have to admit... this totally excited me! I thought that these first milestones for her might not be as exciting as they were with Emily, simply because this is the second time around, but that's not the case at all.

I had been talking on the phone in the dining room with my boss, just shooting the breeze really. She asked how Hope was doing, so I walked into the living room to watch Hope where she was playing on her little play mat. When I walked in, there she was on her stomach. She'd been trying to roll for a few days but had never achieved it. My boss was pretty excited to have been there for the big reveal. So, after I got off the phone, I sat next to her to see it happen in person and it did while I was leaving a message for John about it all (clearly, I was excited). So, in effect, John got to be there for it, too. She rolled from her back to her stomach and then back over again and kept practising for a good hour or so afterwards. Of course, today, she seems to have forgotten how to do it although she's giving it her best effort.

This is a girl who wants to move. Emily was happy to sit or lay in one spot and explore her immediate vicinity. Hope wants to go to where the action is. It will be interesting to see how this develops over the next few months and how it translates into a personality.

Poor Hope's nose is still bleeding in the night due to extreme dryness (before you ask, yes, I have a humidifier - two in fact, one on the furnace and one in the room, as well as putting saline in her nose). On recommendation of my doctor, I'm taking her back to the doctor tomorrow to get further advice. Poor kid. She wakes up in the night because the bloody mucous is running down her throat and then scabbing over her nostril making it impossible to breathe through her little honker. You'd think, then, that she'd be miserable during the day, but not our Hope. She is perpetually happy. What a nice thing to have said about you, don't you think?

In closing, our Chariot rocks. I love it. I. love. it. I have gone out walking every day since I bought it. This morning I walked to Kindermusik, about a 20 minute walk from our house. The snow was lightly falling, the streets and sidewalks were dusted with white, that silence of snowfall enveloped me as Emily sang and chatted in the stroller. It was perfect and made me thankful to be in this cold and snowy place.


little b said...

yay Hope! I expect she'll be running around much sooner than Emily, just so that she can keep up with her sister. Very exciting, although soon you won't be able to put her down and have her be in the same spot when you come back.

I'm glad you're liking the Chariot. I'll have to look into getting one eventually too.

Anonymous said...

Yay for Hope (hmm... just saw that Bethy wrote that too... oh well)... but bummer about the bleeding nose thing... that sucks! So nice that she's a happy little bean though. So... you gonna give hand-me-down clothes to the little Texadian? Tee hee

Shan said...

Way to go Hope! I was surprised too how emotional/excited I get over Maya's milestones.

It's funny I've also found Maya to have way more get up and go than Abby did. Maya's favourite thing to do these days is laps around the house holding on to the walls. Abby never really cruised further than the couch to coffee table area.