Yesterday we started the as usual - taking Westley for a walk. This time my destination was The Flight Path, a coffee house north of here. The walk took me through the north end of Hyde Park, the area these guys live in. Some of the houses were spectacular but were often next door to some pretty nasty and run-down places. It seemed to be a mix of big money and student housing.
I didn't accomplish much around here yesterday. I was feeling really tired. Beth had a massage in the afternoon and while Hope had her afternoon nap, I visited with Beth's friend Marlene who brought over plum kuchen.
We had had plans to go to Batfest yesterday. According to the website I read it is Austin's largest outdoor festival, which is saying something. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate - it poured rain in the mid-afternoon and then drizzled the rest of the day. We figured most of the vendors and bands had packed up.

We went out for barbecue last night to The County Line. The County Line is known for its beef ribs. It didn't disappoint. The amount of food on our table was obscene. And we only ordered two entrees between the three of us. We didn't come close to finishing it all. Hope was a bit of a nightmare at the restaurant, which is a scary pattern that is starting to emerge. The last three times I've had her in restaurants, she's been pretty awful. She wouldn't eat anything last night and then wanted out of her chair right away. Eventually she played on the floor under our table. After that grew tiresome (after about 5 minutes), I took her outside to look at all the turtles swimming near the restuarant's dock. That was very cool. There had to be 100 turtles back there of all sizes. Eventually more customers came out and started to feed them.

Back at home, Hope refused to go to bed after she peed on her Grobag (her sleeping sack thing). So, while it was being washed, I cleaned Beth's bathroom and Hope played. We both were finally in bed by 10:00. I hope today is better.
Hi Karen,
thanks for the updates. Despite your sleep and restaurant issues (and missing Emily), it sounds like you and Hope are enjoying your visit. I loved having my sister visit with her youngest when we had Cee. Sharing motherhood with a sister can be so special. Nevan and I saw Emily (and John) today. We went to Brewer Park. Emily looked great and had a wonderful time playing in the sand, on the slides, swings and climbing ever chance she got. BTW, she makes great ice cream cones. John (and Rose) are doing great with her (of course). I can tell she misses you but she is holding her own as best as she can and remains ever, polite, assertive and sweet. I stole a few hugs from her and I hoped I made her feel better when life was a little overwhelming cuz she couldn't come to Nevan's house for a snack. Take care and enjoy your next few days of Texan eatin', dog walks and sister/niece time.
Sorry Hope was a pill at the restaurant. You know you have my sympathies. The food looked great though.
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