Monday, December 17, 2007

A new normal?

It has been over two weeks since Emily took an afternoon nap. She still has her Quiet Time in her room, looking at books and talking to her animals. But never sleep. Never.

It's been tough. I miss the two hours to myself. We also have a cranky, tired 3-year-old to deal with at the end of each day. Last night we hit our limit with that and I insisted on actual sleep for her today. I told her that if she didn't close her eyes after she looked at her books, she wouldn't be allowed to take her books in bed with her anymore.

Guess what?

She's been up there, silent, for almost two hours now. And it feels so good. It might not ever happen again so I'm relishing every single second that I've spent mopping the floors in peace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny how we are going through the exact same thing! Must be quite common at this age. We took away the nap entirely and suffered like you, with a tired and cranky girl barely able to be social after 5pm. Instead of giving her back the entire nap, we opted to have her have an abbreviated one instead, for a single hour in the afternoon. Our problem was if she napped as usual she didn't go down until 9:30pm or even, gasp, 10! So far, so good, but we are off to BC on Friday, so who knows what that will bring.

Good luck you guys! And Happy Holidays!