Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pudding for breakfast

My parents held out on me. If we had hot cereal for breakfast at our house, it was porridge. Never Red River Cereal or Cream of Wheat. Just regular porridge. I'm not complaining. I really like porridge and it is really good for the old bod.

This morning I expanded our hot cereal repetoire around here and made Cream of Wheat. People, it is like pudding for breakfast. Especially when you top it with cinnamon, brown sugar, maple syrup and milk. It was so sweet.

I'm sure it is not so good me but man, is it a nice way to start the day. Dessert for breakfast? I'm all over that.

1 comment:

little b said...

Hmmm. I've had cream of wheat, but I'm thinking I didn't add nearly enough sugar to it since it wasn't really pudding like. It was ok, but not dessert.