Monday, February 04, 2008

Forgive and forget

I've mentioned before Emily's complete and total obsession, nay, addiction, with Veggie Tales. It is kid entertainment but as they themselves say, it is also "Sunday morning values. Saturday morning fun." Most episodes are based on an Old Testament story. Each episode ends with "what we learned today." Through Veggie Tales Emily has grasped some moral concepts that can be challenging at three years old. The idea of forgiveness, for example, has taken hold lately. Or so I thought.

We were baking cookies on Saturday. I turned my back for a second. In that second, Emily poked a hole in the bottom of the little bag of cocoa.

Me: Emily, did you just poke that hole in there?
E: Yes.
Me: What do you say?
E: Sorry, Mummy.
Me: I'm not very happy, Emily.
E: I forgive you.
Me: Uh, I'm supposed to forgive you.
E: You forgive me.

Right. Maybe she gets it after all.


Shan said...

That's so funny.

little b said...

She really is brilliant.