Saturday, February 02, 2008

Why you should never touch unrecognizable things on the floor when there are kids in the house

Not more than five minutes ago, the following happened.

The girls are in the bath tub. I'm chatting with John in our bedroom just a few steps away (all safety concious out there can rest assured that I could see the girls the whole time). He looks down on the floor and says: "What's this?"

He picks up the unknown object. He screams: "Ahhhhh! It's poop!" and immediately drops it like it was a ball of fire (which it kind of was).

"Whose poop is that? Why is it on the floor? I can't believe I just touched poop. With my bare hands. I'm going to have to burn them now. I'm so disgusted."

I am laughing. I can't talk. I'm laughing that hard.

"It's not funny! Stop laughing!"

I keep laughing. I probably didn't have to tell you that.

"I feel sick. Seriously, I think I might need to vomit."

For those of you who haven't bred yet, welcome to the romance of parenthood. Hey, at least there are some good moments of schadenfreude.

Still laughing.


Shan said...

Oh that is the funniest thing I've heard today!!

little b said...

You never answered the question about whose poop it was. Inquiring minds want to know. Sort of. Actually, nevermind.

Karen said...

Shan: Yup, and I'm still laughing this morning. John still isn't.

Beth: It was Hope's but you probably knew that. Emily, luckily, hasn't done that in a year or so.

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing out loud in my office, relieved that most people have left for the day so I don't have to explain what's making me laugh!