Friday, February 27, 2009

Holy crap, I'm featured on Blogher!

Being a person who generally forgets she even owns a cell phone sometimes bites me in the ass. Like today for example. I forgot to even take my cell phone with me when I left the house this morning. For those of you who have sprained thumbs from all your texting or a bluetooth headset as a permanent part of your ensemble, this is probably downright shocking. Here's the thing: I don't really like cell phones and I sure as heck don't like my cell phone. But, as I said, sometimes it bites me in the ass. Because while I was buzzing around town this morning delivering baking to Andrea, something was happening.

Elana Centor from Blogher was trying to get ahold of me.

No, I have not won an all-expenses paid trip to Blogher '09. But she did want to interview me about starting a new business during a recession. Of course, by the time I checked my messages and called her back it was too late for an interview. She did tell me however that I'm featured in her Blogher story regardless. Holy crap.

I can't say thank you enough to Elana. This is great. Just for the shear coolness of it for a little-old-me like me.

Not a bad way to end a week, I'd say!


Pam said...

So cool Karen!

Shan said...

That is awesome Karen!

Erika said...


Julie said...

Holy crap! That's awesome!

Elana said...

You're very welcome! Wish we could have chatted before the deadline but I tend to work on short deadlines. Best of luck with the business - I'm also fascinated that your sister is doing the same business in Texas and I would love to hear about the similarities and differences between your two locations.

Mommy Project said...

Whoa! How cool!
Congratulations Karen.