Monday, March 09, 2009

The one where she tries not to talk about how she's feeling

John says it's about time that I talk about something other than how I'm feeling, which, just for the record, is "better today." I'm still not feeling great but I'm feeling more like myself which is a huge improvement. I hope it lasts. I have a pelvic ultrasound on March 26. Hopefully I'll be pretty good by then and it will all be chalked up to a strange flu or virus.

On to other things. We've done some fun things around here lately. Photo evidence is sitting up on my camera which I'm unwilling to retrieve right now. On Saturday, although I was feeling like dog dodo, I pulled out the paints and smocks and brushes and the girls set to work creating. I pulled out a Mrs. B trick and, using a large Sharpie, drew large pictures of clown, cat and dog faces on each piece of paper as well as my rendition of each of the girls and let them paint those. It is so much better, at their ages anyway, then having them create from nothing. Emily does allright with that now but Hope loses interest too fast. If there is a starting point for her, she enjoys it much more.

This afternoon during a bout of energy and a bout of "having to get this done ASAP", I sewed a little clown shirt thingy for Emily. Tomorrow is Circus Day in her class so I took the white button-down shirt she used at Halloween and sewed on a colourful pleated colour and cuffs. It looks awesome! I'm really pleased with how it turned out and how good it looks on her. After she got home from school, I practised my face-painting skills (weak, at best) on the two girls. I'll be helping out tomorrow in Emily's class and doing face-painting for the kids (God help them).

And that, aside from brooding about my body, is what is going on around here lately.


Pam said...

Circus day sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to see a pic of Emily in her clown shirt. Glad you are feeling at least.

Shan said...

Can't wait to see pictures of that shirt. Glad you're feeling more like you.