Friday, May 08, 2009

Liveblogging: Day 2 potty training - the one with poop!

This kid is astounding me.  And in no way do I want any potty training novices out there to think this will be your experience because it sure wasn't mine the first time around.

About 30 minutes ago, John came home from work, Emily had just arrived home from school.  It was general chaos as I tried to get cupcakes ready for the kids to decorate.  After sticking close to her all afternoon knowing what had to be imminent, I suddenly realized that I didn't know where Hope was.  Just as I asked John if he knew where she'd gone, I heard a small voice from the bathroom say: "Mummy, I went poop!"

Expecting to find a horror show, I made my way to the bathroom to find that she'd climbed on the toilet herself, pooped and was sitting waiting for me to help her with whatever was supposed to come next.  

Apparently this is all just too easy for her.  And I am not really necessary in the equation.  

Holy crap.  As it were.

After I screamed and clapped and made a general fool of myself in the bathroom, she got her rewards and went about her day as if this was all normal.

It totally isn't.  With Emily I had a totally different experience.  I'm sure it could have been different.  I believe now that I was my own worst enemy.  You may remember this and this and this.  

It's so much easier when you take a relaxed approach.  Also, I have to give credit I think to this 3 Day Potty Training method.  Seems to be working for us.


Anonymous said...

Hooray Hope! I'm so glad to hear that your independant gal is taking to this potty training. Nevan was the same way. He seemed to get peeing on the toilet within hours and once he had his first poo on the toilet we never had a problem. Now Celia may be more of a challenge...she doesn't like to stop playing to do something else. Wish us luck.

Shan said...

Yay! I'm glad it's going so well for you both. Maya was pretty much the same way. Lucky us!

Unknown said...

yay Hope! That is awesome. Perhaps she can have a wee chat with Kate this summer.