Thursday, December 03, 2009

Day 3

Day 3 of our 25 Days of Christmas and also Day 2 of Beth's visit.

Today was my only busy day during Beth's visit but we did manage to fit a few fun things in. We walked to the Waterloo Public Library this morning and got a bunch of books and some videos for the kids. While there we also picked up some (free) tickets for a kids Christmas concert taking place tomorrow at the library (I'll be changing our Day 4 card tonight!).

Our activity for today was to go to the library and get the book Stone Soup and then make stone soup for supper. We did go to the library and get the book. We didn't make the soup but I've promised Emily we'll make it on Saturday after we get some great veggies from market.

Tomorrow is the concert and I have no more obligations for quite a while!


Shan said...

Sounds like you're off to a great start. Have fun!

Julie said...

what's stone soup?