Monday, May 08, 2006

Things are looking up

No tears this morning! Well, not "no" tears, but very few and none when I actually left so things are certainly improving during the drop off at Dawn's. The trick seems to be that Dawn needs to sing Wheels on the Bus as Emily goes to her and I leave. This has become Emily's all-time favourite song. I don't know how many times John and I sang it with her this weekend. She prompts us by saying, almost shouting: Encore, Bus! Even if I was engulfed in flames, and she said 'encore, bus', I would sing the song as I stopped, dropped and rolled, that's how cute it is when she delivers that line.

We had a really nice weekend. Absolutely no errands done except a bit of grocery shopping. Instead, we had a social weekend - a goodbye party for Louise on Saturday afternoon and Nevan's birthday party on Sunday morning. Both were great but Nevan's birthday was the kind of low-key affair that we gravitate towards. The party on Saturday was fun but with so many kids it was a little wild. Emily, preferring to be the cool bystander, watched them like they were a pack of wild animals who had somehow escaped the reserve.

Emily was in great spirits all weekend which makes it that much better. Our only issue is still with getting her to sleep. It took until 9:40 last night but some progress was made in getting her to sleep IN HER CRIB rather than my arms. That's a huge deal as my huge gut is starting to impede her falling asleep on me in the rocking chair. We'll work on it again tonight and see how it goes.

I really have to scan and post the ultrasound picture but I keep forgetting.

I'm thinking, as usual, about what I want to to do long term (short term I obviously want to spend with the kids). I've often had these thoughts that I should have gone into a trade. And I realized that it is still an option. And then I sometimes think that maybe editing would be great - I could do it from home and I'm pretty good at it now, being that it is essentially what I do here but this job has way more crap piled on top. Hmmm... plumber, editor, teacher. I wish I had several lives to try all these things, and of course, piles of money to indulge myself in training to do all these things. I'll just keep thinking and exploring instead. What I do know is that I don't want to do this anymore.

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