She is not ready to give up her naps. The evidence was clear last night when she threw the mother of all tantrums. It included her pulling out some of her own hair and punching herself in the head. Extremely traumatic for John who was trying to give her a bath at the time. It all started because John was putting her to bed instead of me. Enough said on that ugly episode....
today, much better. Today, she stayed in her room, she slept, she woke up happy, she got to watch t.v., which made her even happier. More than I expected though, I loved that she hadn't watched t.v. in two full days.
She turned three months old on December 7 (not mentioned at the time because I was heavily involved in cyst drainage). I can't believe it is three months already. And today I looked at her and she just looked big and older and understanding things around her and lo and behold there she went and grabbed something with her hands for the first time. She giggles when I make certain noises or nuzzle her face. When awake, she is constantly smiling - big, face-consuming smiles. She is drooling a lot and has started to wear the drool bibs. It is all going too fast but at the same time it's hard to remember what it was like before her.
Like Emily as a baby, Hope looks like John. Apparently she's just as photogenic as well:
1 comment:
Thank you for the new pictures of Hope. She looks a lot like her sister did at this age!
(I tried commenting a few days ago, but blogger was acting up)
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