Sunday, January 14, 2007

Duh, maybe I'll just reinvent the wheel while I'm at it

So, after fooling around in the HTML coding in the templates this morning again, I finally just decided to screw the colour scheme, and choose a new template that was marked "stretch." Lo and behold, blessed Blogger has these stretch templates that are made to fill up monitors, no matter what the size. You'd think that I would have noticed this before and also figured out that screwing with the code in a system like this, designed for those who have no idea what they're doing with HTML, maybe isn't wise for a novice like me.

Anyway, this is better and Beth is going to help me with the whole masthead thing so soon there will be some nice colour on here too. For the time being, look! See the beautiful white! and grey!

1 comment:

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Like the stretch--I had trouble with the bigger font too. Can't wait for colors :)